Pennywise the horrific clown is back to terrorize the town of Derry, New Hampshire in “IT: Chapter Two”. However, his reemergence, both in Derry and on the big screen, while … Read More “Review: ‘It: Chapter Two’”

Pennywise the horrific clown is back to terrorize the town of Derry, New Hampshire in “IT: Chapter Two”. However, his reemergence, both in Derry and on the big screen, while … Read More “Review: ‘It: Chapter Two’”
“Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” is Quentin Tarantino’s terrific, painstakingly poignant, and often hilariously depicticton of Hollywood on the brink of change and its inevitable loss of innocence.
“Rocketman” is truly a spectacular musical tribute to an iconic and equally spectacular performer on stage, who sadly had a less than spectacular private life.
“Godzilla: King of the Monsters” gives the audience exactly what it expects – kaiju fights and little else.
“Brightburn” is a simple, but effectively clever horror film that reimagines the typical comic book narrative.
It’s the heart, not the bravado and brawn, that makes this film resonate with emotions that touch not only the characters; but also, the loyal audiences that have steadfastly traveled with them on their journey.
Entertainment reporter Tim Estiloz chats with Boston Celtics’ Kyrie Irving about his new comedy film Uncle Drew and the speculation about his NBA future.
Entertainment reporter Tim Estiloz interviews Oscar-winning actress Mary Steenburgen about her new film, Book Club.